Stephenie's is made from vintage scrabble pieces while I have to contend with this crappy plastic stuff...but I'm hoping that my mum still has an old set hidden somewhere. Then again, mum is not the person to admire or keep 'vintage' her anything old is a bad memory of a childhood where nothing could ever be new. Perspectives matter don't they?
Anyway...I like this message of 'smile big'...or perhaps it could be smile pig, he, you love my flying pig...he makes me smile!
I'm pretty sure I didn't think it up by myself and it could have been swimming around my subconscious from some blog posting if it's yours...yell loudly...I'll hear you and respond ever so appropriately. Gratuitous Hugh Jackman pic now...
...oh that man knows how to smile big.
Reasons for me to smile big this no particular order...I don't do ordered...but I do do dot points:
- I won Nellie's give-away of beautiful gift cards at McCarthy Designs (big smooch to Nellie and her random number generator)
- I seem to have fought off a cold that was threatening
- The latest edition of Real Living magazine came in the mail yesterday (thanks to my beautiful daughter for the gift you)
- I had a teeny weeny little mention on Table Tonic
- The vampire slayer hasn't bitten anyone, although she came close on Sunday night
- Work was manageable this week
- I managed to get the google reader unread items down to zero...momentarily anyway
- My soon to be 22 year old son is moving back home for a few months (ok, this is a big thing and I'm hoping we're both still smiling at the end of it...I'm so used to having my own space, but I am looking forward to spending more time with Ben and getting him to find things at the back of high shelves...he's very you too)
- The blogging community continues to share its enormous generosity with me and I'm so very chuffed to be part of it (I'm getting closer to deciding about what colour to paint the study...but I still have a way to go...and many sample pots to purchase I imagine!)...and a special thank you to Grace from Sense and Simplicity for yesterday's post on 10 paint colours to use with red accents and the lovely people who provided their thoughts...they really did help...even if there was no clear consensus!
So there you go...I hope you've all got lots to smile big about this week too.
images by me and google and the lucky photographer who got to get that close to Hugh